
Friday, March 09, 2007

Rp introduction

The issue about embryonic stem cell research is all the rage in recent years. However, it is also a complex and difficult issue, an issue that is one of the most profound of this time. The issue of research involving stem cells derived from human embryos is increasingly the subject of a national debate and dinner table discussions. The purpose of this research is trying to rely on the special characteristics of embryonic stem cells and then have further development on the medical field. This research is still on its experimental stage; however, there were already many voices raised to against this research. It is result from where and how the scientists got those embryos to continue their research. Moreover, those who against this research believed that whatever the means these scientists use to got the embryos, it is definitely have something to do with the human right. The issue is debated within the church, with people of different faiths, even many of the same faith coming to different conclusions. The issue is confronted every day in laboratories as scientists ponder the ethical ramifications of their work. It is agonized over by parents and many couples as they try to have children, or to save children already born. Many people are finding that the more they know about stem cell research, the less certain they are about the right ethical and moral conclusions. When biotechnology confront bioethics, it is hard to decide which side we should choose: believe in the research will bring us many beneficial effects or just stop the research here to defense the so-called human right of these embryos. However, can we make sure that these embryos are already human-beings or they just on their early stage of being a real human? Therefore, there are discussions about the embryonic stem cell research from four perspectives: religious, legal, ethical, and scientific.



  • At 3:07 PM, Blogger Leo Wang said…

    This topic is kind of controversial, and I hope you could deal with it properly. Besides, in your introduction, I don't see a very clear argument. Be careful that you also need your first hand data to suport your argument.


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